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Analog Clock
In a Nutshell: Using only a few lines of CSS and Javascript, this code snippet is used to display an analog-style clock on your website, complete with hands to represent the current hour, minute and second.
Use it Yourself: First, copy and paste the following CSS code into the <head> section of your HTML, to control the styling of the clock. You can edit this code to change the color of the text, should you wish.
Use it Yourself:
Then, Analog Clock requires that the following is added to the <body> section of your page, where appropriate. The DIV tags should appear wherever you want the clock displayed. The SCRIPT elements can appear anywhere in the BODY.
Importantly, change the final line of the SCRIPT section (the "setClock" variable) to the timezone that you wish to display. A full list of IANA timezone formats may be found here.
This Script Created By: Joshua Smith
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